Explore the Industries that Use Our Services

Global Hotlines and Case Management by Industry

All companies are faced with their own unique set of challenges when it comes to navigating ever-changing regulatory requirements. For many industries that are highly regulated, remaining compliant and within the law comes with its own set of additional challenges.

WhistleBlower Security has been providing companies across the globe with industry leading tools and expertise to help them align with industry specific laws and regulations, including mandates such as GDPR, SOX Compliance, EU Whistleblower Directive, and locally mandated requirements.

Credit Unions

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do we need this?

WhistleBlower Security is the only ethics and compliance based reporting service provider on the market dedicated to delivering a truly Human Centric Experience. Our flexible and modern Ethics Reporting and Case Management program, IntegrityCounts, has provided organizations worldwide with the best 24x7x365 reporting experience in the marketplace.

Since 2005, WBS has been dedicated to safeguarding hundreds of organizations against risk and fraud globally, while promoting and improving ethical work environments. The IntegrityCounts solution will enhance your organizational integrity and empower both employee and stakeholder contributions to developing an ethical workplace. WBS works with public, private and non-profits to augment, support and enhance cultures of integrity, accountability and transparency.

Can our employees use the call center services if they are outside of North America?

WhistleBlower Security is able to provide call center services outside of North America. The hotline is available in 150 languages outside of English, French, and Spanish, and is supported by our interpretation partner.

Can you be anonymous in any country?

In certain countries, Reporters are not allowed to be anonymous according to the local regulations. Our system adjusts to this criteria accordingly.

How is my identity protected?

The IntegrityCounts reporting system is operated by WhistleBlower Security Inc. and is independent from your organization; we do not track IP addresses or subscribe to caller I.D. services. We use the latest in encryption and security technology including firewalls to ensure that our system is secure. You must take care when providing information in your report and ensure that you do not provide personal details or information that will expose your identify if you want to remain anonymous.

Learn More About IntegrityCounts

Anonymous 24/7/365 ethics reporting. Book a demo today!

Global Hotlines and Case Management
We have the tools to help you create and manage a speak-up culture.
Powerful Analytics
Gain valuable insights into the changes and events within your organization.
Intuitive and Affordable
Our competitive service has everything you need at a price you can afford.